Corinthian Centenary Lodge Celebrate their 50th Anniversary

A very special 50th Anniversary at Corinthian Centenary Lodge No. 8488 now the Membership Pathway Lodge

The Corinthian Centenary Lodge No. 8488 became the Provincial Membership Pathway Lodge in August 2022, and has since gained over 20 joining members from the Provincial Membership Team.

The Lodge celebrated its 50th Anniversary on Friday 9th June, which was attended by the Deputy Provincial Grand Master (DepPGM), Nick Franklin, along with the Lodge, Assistant Provincial Grand Master (APGM), Geoff Turpin and the Membership APGM lead, Colin Felton, also a joining member of the Lodge.

A very enjoyable meeting was had by almost 60 Brethren on a beautiful hot sunny evening, where an interesting history of the Lodge was presented by Keith Johnson.

The DepPGM presented Graham Tebbutt, with a certificate, marking his 50 years in Freemasonry. Graham also, was the first initiate into the Lodge.

There were many Lodge Membership Officers from around the Province in attendance, who were given a short talk regarding membership, what the team is doing in-and-around the Province and an overview of the numbers of new initiates into Essex Freemasonry.

The meeting was followed by a very lively and warm-hearted festive board at the Royal Corinthian Yacht Club, Burnham-on-Crouch, the likes not seen for many years at this Lodge. 


Top: First Row Left to Right

Colin Felton, Geoff Turpin, Nick Franklin, David Howse (W.M.), Gregory Gladden, Ron Hodgson and Graham Tebbutt. Behind are members of Corinthian Centenary Lodge and from the Provincial Ceremonial Team. 

Left: Nick Franklin presenting Graham Tebbutt with his 50-year certificate.

Right: Delightful photo of a Yacht Pontoon on the Crouch