Old Palmerians Pass Pathway Direct Applicant amidst unforeseen challenges

Changes didn’t dampen members’ spirits as Bro Ian Colley was Passed to the Degree of a Fellow Craft

The emergence from the seasonal festivities can be a challenging time but this year the Passing ceremony for Pathway Direct Applicant, Bro Ian Colley, was faced with more challenges than usual as a number of members and invited guests were caught out by a flu-like virus that has affected a good number of people recently.

The Lodge meeting held at the Cross Keys Masonic Centre on Wednesday January 10th had to manage a number of last-minute adjustments but, as with all lodges, Old Palmerians Lodge No 5632 have a strong team and despite the need for changes right up to just hours before the start of the meeting, all offices were filled with Lodge members.

A very excited Pathway Direct Applicant was taken through his second regular step in Freemasonry by the Worshipful Master (WM), Paul Morgan, with the first-class assistance of Director of Ceremonies (DC), Joe Curtis, who is also a very active Provincial Assistant Grand Director of Ceremonies (ProvAGDC), and everyone who stood in as Officers for the meeting.

There was an encouraging positive atmosphere in the lodge-room which cast away any earlier frustrations that may have been laid at the Lodge’s door. The Second Degree ceremony for Bro Ian was well executed, light hearted in places and unanimously enjoyed by everybody. This was augmented even more at the festive board and everyone went home having had a really enjoyable time.

Freemasonry won the day at Old Palmerians Lodge. Flexibility and mutual support were in abundance.  Despite difficult circumstances, everybody supported and helped each other to deliver an accomplished performance which ensured that Bro Ian Colley was at the heart of a very enjoyable ceremony at which he was Passed to the Degree of a Fellow Craft.


Top (L-R): W. Bro Paul Morgan (WM), Bro Ian Colley, W. Bro Joe Curtis  (ProvAGDC)