
Provincial Grand Lodge of Essex

Press Releases


Wanstead Park Lodge celebrates anniversary with £750 donation to Prostate Cancer UK

At their 75th year anniversary celebrations on 2nd March 2024, the Freemasons of Wanstead Park Lodge which meets in Upminster, donated £750 to the charity Prostate Cancer UK.  The Provincial Grand Master of Essex, Paul Tarrant, was delighted to attend the event and he encourages everyone to spread the word about the screening events held in Essex each year. 

Essex Freemasons have a long-standing connection with CHAPS, the men’s health charity, by hosting screening events which include blood testing for Prostate cancer at Masonic Centres across Essex. Those planned for 2024 are at Southend (16th April), Chelmsford (5th June), Upminster (9th October) and Colchester (12th November).

The Worshipful Master of Wanstead Park Lodge, Glen Clough, said “The donation represents £10 for each year since the lodge was founded but its genealogy can be traced back 235 years to when the French Revolution began in 1789. We have had many fathers and sons as members over the years and appreciate the marvellous work Prostate Cancer UK does to find better treatments and tests for use in screening programmes which can save thousands of lives.”

The Essex Freemasons’ Provincial Grand Almoner, Gary Hostler, arranges the screening programmes which are open to non-members including family and friends. Gary said “Congratulations to all those masons and non-masons who attended our CHAPS events in 2023 – especially those who were advised they needed further investigations or surgery. The results of their blood test detecting Prostate cancer may have probably helped save their lives.”


Photos: Wanstead Park Lodge