Covid-19 Update from Grand Lodge: Rule of Six
Brethren, you should today receive a letter from Grand Lodge informing you that the Rule of Six changes to the Covid-19 regulations
Which are being proposed in parliament today by the government will apply to Craft & Royal Arch masonic meetings with immediate effect and face coverings should now be worn at all meetings that do go ahead. Our masonic halls are only opening if they are Covid-Secure (and therefore larger meetings would still technically be legal) but Grand Lodge have taken the view it would send the wrong message to the public and our own members and families if we were to hold larger meetings. It is a decision the Executive & I support.
Can I remind you that a Lodge or Chapter has no power to cancel or adjourn a regular (or pre-arranged emergency) meeting or convocation and in the absence of further guidance or direction from the United Grand Lodge or Supreme Grand Chapter of England, summonses for such meetings or convocations must still be issued and meetings only abandoned if a quorum of five (for a Lodge or Chapter) cannot attend. The Tyler / Janitor can be added to those six if he does not enter the meeting or participate in it.
As a result of these further restrictions Official Visits by members of either the Craft or Royal Arch Executive Committees, the Assistants to the Provincial Grand Principals (APGPs) or Visiting Officers (VOs) will not take place.
Please do not hesitate to contact the ProvGSec or your Lodge APGM via your Lodge Secretary / Scribe. E if any further advice is required.
During these difficult times please remember to keep in touch with your fellow members, especially those who are vulnerable and self-isolating.
Keep safe brethren.
Paul Reeves, DepPGM