Provincial Grand Lodge of Essex
Press Releases

Clacton Freemason Ray Frith celebrates 50 years of friendship and service
North Essex Round Table Lodge, which meets five times a year at the Masonic Centre in Holland Road, Clacton, had a busy meeting on 6th October 2023 when they welcomed Assistant Provincial Grand Master, Colin Felton, and the Assistant Provincial Director of Ceremonies, Paul Palmer. The special occasion was the Installation of the new Master, Les Baker, and the presentation of a Certificate to mark 50 years Meritorious Service to Essex Freemasonry by Ray Frith.
Raymond Trevor Frith was initiated in 1973, became Master of his mother lodge in 2000, and with two good friends, brothers Fred and Peter Tidy, the trio joined North Essex Round Table Lodge No. 9578 in 2007. Phil Bruce, the Lodge Secretary, said “Ray has continuously served as Almoner since 2011, which is one of the key appointments in every lodge. In 2022 he was promoted to the rank of Past Provincial Senior Grand Deacon and we were delighted to welcome Colin Felton to present the 50-year Certificate on behalf of Paul Tarrant, the Provincial Grand Master.”
With nearly 30 members, North Essex Round Table Lodge is one of around 300 which meet at 26 centres across Essex. With about 7,500 members in total, Essex Freemasons regularly donate over £1 million each year towards local community initiatives and charities as well as volunteering a lot of time to good causes. The Deputy Provincial Charity Steward, Mike Hall said “Over £847,600 of much needed funding has been granted by the Province to support charities and local communities in Essex already this year.” This is in addition to all the direct donations made by Essex individual lodges.
Les Baker is looking forward to the Lodge continuing its good work helping local communities as much as possible during his year as Worshipful Master and upholding the four values of Freemasonry which are integrity, friendship, respect and service.
Top: Colin Felton (left) presenting Certificate for 50 years meritorious service to Ray Frith with new Worshipful Master, Les Baker (right).