Chingford Masonic Centre hold a Combined Cluster Convocation
Over 50 attend a Combined Cluster Convocation held at Chingford Masonic Hall.
At the Chingford Masonic Hall on the 31st March 2023, over 50 Companions gathered for a Combined Cluster Convocation. Attended by an entourage of the Provincial Executive, led by the Deputy Grand Superintendent, Elliott Chevin.
Also present was John Hubbard, Third Grand Principal, Martin Cook and Jack Gilliand as Assistants to the Provincial Grand Principals.
The Convocation was opened by Robert Poole, the current first Principal of Danehurst Chapter No. 4541. Russell Segal of Earlham Chapter No. 7266 was honoured to assist in the ceremony acting as second Principal and John Singh acted as third Principal. The ceremony was well represented by numerous Chapters which the Roll of Chapters confirmed.
Pierre Waddoups of St Clements Chapter No. 2442 gave an interesting talk on the Crimean War which was well received by all Companions.
The Festive Board was enjoyed by all with great food and a heart-warming message from the Provincial Executive delivered by the Deputy Grand Superintendent, Elliott Chevin expressing his joy to see so many Companions at the Convocation, clearly enjoying the Festive Board and their Royal Arch Masonry.
It was a fantastic Convocation held at the Chingford Masonic Hall upholding the single journey in Freemasonry, from the Craft through to the Royal Arch.
More evidence of Freemasonry being one.